Who is behind EasyPooling?

Our Customers

All multinational organizations who cannot afford to or do not want to have a team of “global compensation & benefits” specialists on board, usually for reasons of cost, return on investment, size, flexibility or strategic priorities.

Our Team

We are located in Europe and in the USA.We are a team of experienced “global compensation & benefits” specialists : former leader of the largest pooling network, life reinsurance actuaries, former “global comp & bens”. We are passionate about our mission, ensuring that you benefit from all the advantages of multinational pooling.

Our Processes

EasyPooling has developed a suite of highly automated tools to collect all necessary information to launch pooling RFPs, analyze responses and track results over time. You choose whether to use these tools yourself, or to have EasyPooling execute the processes in your place.


The two founders are the sole owners of EasyPooling, which is thus completely independent of insurance carriers and brokerage firms. Our sole income is from our clients, multinational organizations, to avoid any conflict of interest.

The entire history of EasyPooling

EasyPooling was created from the realization that the benefits of pooling were not accessible to the vast majority of eligible organizations for reasons of visibility, cost, effort required and necessary training. Fifty years after the creation of the first international pooling network, fewer than 5% of multinational organizations have a pool.
Our mission is to put pooling within the reach of organizations of all sizes, by demystifying the principles behind pooling and by providing tools and implementation teams at the lowest possible cost, while ensuring the highest level of professionalism and unquestionable independence from providers.

Marketing Campaign

To raise awareness amongst all organizations that could benefit from pooling, a targeted advertising campaign in the Francophone world. It is just the start!

2nd September 2013

Charter Customers

Our first clients are involved in the EasyPooling venture and qualify for preferential terms.

12 February 2013

EasyPooling created

The original team is formed and work starts.

21st September 2012

Full launch of the EasyPooling website

A world exclusive: track in real-time the bidding process, then the implementation of your pool.

30 June 2013

Launch of www.easypooling.com

To discover and learn, the first site to explain pooling in simple terms.

31st January 2013

Are You eligible to Pooling ?

Click on the button below for a quick quiz to find out if you are eligible for international pooling.

Are you eligible ?